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Create virtual lists with ease. Virtual lists (sometimes called virtual scrollers) allow you to render a large number of items performantly. They only render the minimum number of DOM nodes necessary to show the items within the container element by using the wrapper element to emulate the container element's full height.


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Simple list

import { useVirtualList } from '@vueuse/core'

const { list, containerProps, wrapperProps } = useVirtualList(
    // Keep `itemHeight` in sync with the item's row.
    itemHeight: 22,
import { useVirtualList } from '@vueuse/core'

const { list, containerProps, wrapperProps } = useVirtualList(
    // Keep `itemHeight` in sync with the item's row.
    itemHeight: 22,


itemHeightnumberensure that the total height of the wrapper element is calculated correctly.*
itemWidthnumberensure that the total width of the wrapper element is calculated correctly.*
overscannumbernumber of pre-rendered DOM nodes. Prevents whitespace between items if you scroll very quickly.

* The itemHeight or itemWidth must be kept in sync with the height of each row rendered. If you are seeing extra whitespace or jitter when scrolling to the bottom of the list, ensure the itemHeight or itemWidth is the same height as the row.

Reactive list

import { useVirtualList, useToggle } from '@vueuse/core'
import { computed } from 'vue'

const [isEven, toggle] = useToggle()
const allItems = Array.from(Array(99999).keys())
const filteredList = computed(() => allItems.filter(i => isEven.value ? i % 2 === 0 : i % 2 === 1))

const { list, containerProps, wrapperProps } = useVirtualList(
    itemHeight: 22,
import { useVirtualList, useToggle } from '@vueuse/core'
import { computed } from 'vue'

const [isEven, toggle] = useToggle()
const allItems = Array.from(Array(99999).keys())
const filteredList = computed(() => allItems.filter(i => isEven.value ? i % 2 === 0 : i % 2 === 1))

const { list, containerProps, wrapperProps } = useVirtualList(
    itemHeight: 22,
  <p>Showing {{ isEven ? 'even' : 'odd' }} items</p>
  <button @click="toggle">Toggle Even/Odd</button>
  <div v-bind="containerProps" style="height: 300px">
    <div v-bind="wrapperProps">
      <div v-for="item in list" :key="item.index" style="height: 22px">
        Row: {{ }}
  <p>Showing {{ isEven ? 'even' : 'odd' }} items</p>
  <button @click="toggle">Toggle Even/Odd</button>
  <div v-bind="containerProps" style="height: 300px">
    <div v-bind="wrapperProps">
      <div v-for="item in list" :key="item.index" style="height: 22px">
        Row: {{ }}

Horizontal list

import { useVirtualList } from '@vueuse/core'

const allItems = Array.from(Array(99999).keys())

const { list, containerProps, wrapperProps } = useVirtualList(
    itemWidth: 200,
import { useVirtualList } from '@vueuse/core'

const allItems = Array.from(Array(99999).keys())

const { list, containerProps, wrapperProps } = useVirtualList(
    itemWidth: 200,
  <div v-bind="containerProps" style="height: 300px">
    <div v-bind="wrapperProps">
      <div v-for="item in list" :key="item.index" style="width: 200px">
        Row: {{ }}
  <div v-bind="containerProps" style="height: 300px">
    <div v-bind="wrapperProps">
      <div v-for="item in list" :key="item.index" style="width: 200px">
        Row: {{ }}

Component Usage

This function also provides a renderless component version via the @vueuse/components package. Learn more about the usage.

<UseVirtualList :list="list" :options="options" height="300px">
  <template #="props">
    <!-- you can get current item of list here -->
    <div style="height: 22px">Row {{ }}</div>
<UseVirtualList :list="list" :options="options" height="300px">
  <template #="props">
    <!-- you can get current item of list here -->
    <div style="height: 22px">Row {{ }}</div>

Type Declarations

Show Type Declarations
declare type UseVirtualListItemSize = number | ((index: number) => number)
export interface UseHorizontalVirtualListOptions
  extends UseVirtualListOptionsBase {
   * item width, accept a pixel value or a function that returns the height
   * @default 0
  itemWidth: UseVirtualListItemSize
export interface UseVerticalVirtualListOptions
  extends UseVirtualListOptionsBase {
   * item height, accept a pixel value or a function that returns the height
   * @default 0
  itemHeight: UseVirtualListItemSize
export interface UseVirtualListOptionsBase {
   * the extra buffer items outside of the view area
   * @default 5
  overscan?: number
export declare type UseVirtualListOptions =
  | UseHorizontalVirtualListOptions
  | UseVerticalVirtualListOptions
export interface UseVirtualListItem<T> {
  data: T
  index: number
export interface UseVirtualListReturn<T> {
  list: Ref<UseVirtualListItem<T>[]>
  scrollTo: (index: number) => void
  containerProps: {
    ref: Ref<HTMLElement | null>
    onScroll: () => void
    style: StyleValue
  wrapperProps: ComputedRef<{
      | {
          width: string
          height: string
          marginTop: string
      | {
          width: string
          height: string
          marginLeft: string
          display: string
export declare function useVirtualList<T = any>(
  list: MaybeRef<T[]>,
  options: UseVirtualListOptions
): UseVirtualListReturn<T>
declare type UseVirtualListItemSize = number | ((index: number) => number)
export interface UseHorizontalVirtualListOptions
  extends UseVirtualListOptionsBase {
   * item width, accept a pixel value or a function that returns the height
   * @default 0
  itemWidth: UseVirtualListItemSize
export interface UseVerticalVirtualListOptions
  extends UseVirtualListOptionsBase {
   * item height, accept a pixel value or a function that returns the height
   * @default 0
  itemHeight: UseVirtualListItemSize
export interface UseVirtualListOptionsBase {
   * the extra buffer items outside of the view area
   * @default 5
  overscan?: number
export declare type UseVirtualListOptions =
  | UseHorizontalVirtualListOptions
  | UseVerticalVirtualListOptions
export interface UseVirtualListItem<T> {
  data: T
  index: number
export interface UseVirtualListReturn<T> {
  list: Ref<UseVirtualListItem<T>[]>
  scrollTo: (index: number) => void
  containerProps: {
    ref: Ref<HTMLElement | null>
    onScroll: () => void
    style: StyleValue
  wrapperProps: ComputedRef<{
      | {
          width: string
          height: string
          marginTop: string
      | {
          width: string
          height: string
          marginLeft: string
          display: string
export declare function useVirtualList<T = any>(
  list: MaybeRef<T[]>,
  options: UseVirtualListOptions
): UseVirtualListReturn<T>




Anthony Fu
Maxim Brynze
Jessica Sachs
Che Guevara


v9.4.0 on 10/25/2022
bceda - feat: horizontal list (#2310)
v7.1.2 on 11/26/2021
fb7cd - fix(UseVirtualList): fix list not being reactive in component (#968)
v6.9.0 on 11/14/2021
23356 - feat: adding support for reactive lists (#904)

Released under the MIT License.