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Add extra attributes to Ref.


This function is NOT compatible with Vue 2.6 or below.

Please note the extra attribute will not be accessible in Vue's template.

import { ref } from 'vue'
import { extendRef } from '@vueuse/core'

const myRef = ref('content')

const extended = extendRef(myRef, { foo: 'extra data' })

extended.value === 'content' === 'extra data'
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { extendRef } from '@vueuse/core'

const myRef = ref('content')

const extended = extendRef(myRef, { foo: 'extra data' })

extended.value === 'content' === 'extra data'

Refs will be unwrapped and be reactive

const myRef = ref('content')
const extraRef = ref('extra')

const extended = extendRef(myRef, { extra: extraRef })

extended.value === 'content'
extended.extra === 'extra'

extended.extra = 'new data' // will trigger update
extraRef.value === 'new data'
const myRef = ref('content')
const extraRef = ref('extra')

const extended = extendRef(myRef, { extra: extraRef })

extended.value === 'content'
extended.extra === 'extra'

extended.extra = 'new data' // will trigger update
extraRef.value === 'new data'

Type Declarations

export interface ExtendRefOptions<Unwrap extends boolean = boolean> {
   * Is the extends properties enumerable
   * @default false
  enumerable?: boolean
   * Unwrap for Ref properties
   * @default true
  unwrap?: Unwrap
 * Overload 1: Unwrap set to false
export declare function extendRef<
  R extends Ref<any>,
  Extend extends object,
  Options extends ExtendRefOptions<false>
>(ref: R, extend: Extend, options?: Options): ShallowUnwrapRef<Extend> & R
 * Overload 2: Unwrap unset or set to true
export declare function extendRef<
  R extends Ref<any>,
  Extend extends object,
  Options extends ExtendRefOptions
>(ref: R, extend: Extend, options?: Options): Extend & R
export interface ExtendRefOptions<Unwrap extends boolean = boolean> {
   * Is the extends properties enumerable
   * @default false
  enumerable?: boolean
   * Unwrap for Ref properties
   * @default true
  unwrap?: Unwrap
 * Overload 1: Unwrap set to false
export declare function extendRef<
  R extends Ref<any>,
  Extend extends object,
  Options extends ExtendRefOptions<false>
>(ref: R, extend: Extend, options?: Options): ShallowUnwrapRef<Extend> & R
 * Overload 2: Unwrap unset or set to true
export declare function extendRef<
  R extends Ref<any>,
  Extend extends object,
  Options extends ExtendRefOptions
>(ref: R, extend: Extend, options?: Options): Extend & R




Anthony Fu
vaakian X


v9.8.0 on 12/20/2022
8c82e - feat: support 2.7, close #2340

Released under the MIT License.